Thursday, May 9, 2019

Marsholme Part II: D100 Familiars (Blueholme)

I like to use familiars as little spirit animal mascots for parties. They make great comic relief (“Miglet's at it again...”), enable quick plot hooks (Wait a minute! Where's Plucky!?”), and provided the little extra tool that helps players get out of sticky situations (“Roachy, climb under the door”). Since one of the perks on my “What Makes You So Special” table is “has a familiar” I figured I should include a table to help determine what sort of cuddly critter is gleefully following the characters to their doom, and like any good random table it should be d100 and get insanely gonzo by the end right?

D100 Familiars

  1. Asp
  2. Armadillo
  3. Bat
  4. Butterfly
  5. House Cat
  6. Bobcat
  7. Centipede
  8. Hen
  9. Cock
  10. Cockroach
  11. Crayfish
  12. Goldfish
  13. Fox
  14. Hare
  15. Hawk
  16. Hedgehog
  17. Koala
  18. Lemming
  19. Slug
  20. Lizard
  21. Horned Frog
  22. Meerkat
  23. Mole
  24. Monkey
  25. Moth
  26. Land Octopus
  27. Otter
  28. Owl
  29. Peacock
  30. Pig
  31. Platypus
  32. Raccoon
  33. Rat
  34. Mouse
  35. Raven
  36. Locust
  37. Cricket
  38. Grasshopper
  39. Scorpion
  40. Skunk
  41. Sloth
  42. Squirrel
  43. Flying Squirrel
  44. Frog
  45. Toad
  46. Box Turtle
  47. Snapping Turtle
  48. Wallaby
  49. Weasel
  50. Echidna
  51. Cobra
  52. Black Widow
  53. Orb Weaver
  54. Tarantula
  55. Mocking Bird
  56. Parrot
  57. Gull
  58. Duck
  59. Swan
  60. Vulture
  61. Small Dog
  62. Hunting Dog
  63. Wolf
  64. Gremlin
  65. Imp
  66. Fairy
  67. Mouse
  68. Miniature Dinosaur
  69. Crab
  70. Doll
  71. Pocket Golem
  72. Opossum
  73. Rabbit
  74. Lilliputian
  75. Lady Bug
  76. Purse Dragon
  77. Puppet
  78. Backpack Goblin
  79. Newt
  80. Bonsai Ent
  81. Elementalette, Fire
  82. Elementalette, Water
  83. Elementalette, Earth
  84. Elementalette, Wind
  85. Automaton
  86. Garden Gnome
  87. Worm
  88. Disembodied Hand
  89. Wandering Eye
  90. A Wondrously Shifting Color
  91. Blood Orphan
  92. Snail
  93. Slug
  94. Statue
  95. A Skeletal “Roll Again”
  96. A Ghost of a “Roll Again”
  97. A Zombie “Roll Again”
  98. An Invisible “Roll Again”
  99. A cross between a “Roll Again” and a “Roll Again”
  100. A “Roll Again” Riding a “Roll Again”

     I am not providing stats or special abilities because I play my familiars pretty fast and loose. 1D4 or 1d6 hp and one appropriate special ability of little real consequence. The familiar and the character can communicate in their own whispery language that comes from knowing each others true name. I'm also game to let characters attain familiars in game through questing, witch ritual, or happy accident, and I don't limit the attaining of familiars to specific classes. You do you.

1 comment:

  1. Cool list! I love the "Wondrously Shifting Color". Some of my One Hit Point Monsters might work as these types of familiars too. I have an Aggroach one their (Giant Cockroach) that could be used as the cockroach you have here, etc. Just added your blog to my blogroll.


Marsholme Part III: Seofengoden, a randomly generated religion

Since the Floodtide is based on medieval Europe I had the idea to create a religion system more akin to the way religions work in our world...