Since the Floodtide is based on
medieval Europe I had the idea to create a religion system more akin
to the way religions work in our world. The idea is to separate the
religions into old and new. The old religions would be cults, the
religions of the old days. The new religion comes out of the east.
Furthermore, I wanted to make the religion have a series of prophets
that change the face of the religion over the years. Monotheism felt a little too on the nose so
I created a council of seven good gods that were worshiped by a
series of prophets in different ways. Making up the history myself
seemed like cheating. So here is my solution. A series of charts that
guide you through building a history of the prophets and sects of the
religion known as Seofengoden: the religion of the seven good gods.
The Prophetesh of the Seofengoden
The basic religion of the good gods of
the Floodtide is called Seofengoden. The religion rose out of the
Holy Lands of the East. The faithful believe that a series of
prophets will emerge over many hundreds of years. One, of course,
will be the final prophet, but there is constant debate over how many true
prophets there will be and which will be the last. Each prophet leads
a new sect with slightly different beliefs and a different favored
The Seven Elder Gods: Realms of
Influence -- Symbol
The Archivist: Books, Nature,
History -- A Book
The Toiler: Nature, Gardens, Crops,
Harvest, Hard Work -- A Scythe
The Elements: Earth, Wind, Water,
Fire -- Four Circles
The Ombudsmen: Humanoids, Fairness,
Give and Take -- An Eye
The Prism: Color, The Odd,
Mechanization, Alchemy -- A Cube
The Magus: Wizardry, Power, Magic -- A
Pointed Hat
The Barrister: Balance of Power,
Cults, “Devil's Advocate” -- Scales
Generating a Millennium of Seofengoden
Grab some note book paper. Each line
will represent a decade starting with year 0 to year 10. Start in the
first decade at the founding of the church. Roll up a random sect on
the charts below and give it one influence point. Then Roll on the events table for each of the next
100 decades. Each decade a point of “influence” will be added to
a sect based on the “event” that dominated that decade. If the
event result calls for a new sect, then randomly create a new sect with a
new prophet and give it a point of influence. At the end of 1000
years (100 rolls on the table) you will have a procedurally generated
history of multiple sects. Each sect will have an “influence”
score and the influence scores of all sects will add up to 100
allowing you to use this as a percentile chart for determining random
sects for new NPC's, Clerics Characters, etc. weighted by how important that sect
has made itself over the last 1000 years.
When rolling for a new sect first
randomly determine the prophet's name and the corresponding name of
their followers. Next roll to determine what item or practice is
forbidden or prohibited to that sect, what oath the sect members say
when greeting, parting, or praying, and finally which of the gods
they favor and disfavor.
Random Sect Generation (D30)*
Prophet Name / Followers name
1 Urgleburt / Urgites
2 Pastivadle / Pastivites
3 Shay Dungo / Shaductites
4 Abudoon / Ablites
5 Skarata / Skarites
6 Eso-Vordo / Esovites
7 Shardeep / Shardepites
8 Oshuntka / Oshtakites
9 Tim Tim / Timtamites
10 Kru / Kruvites
11 Hardob / Hardobites
12 Saint Shiver / Shiverites
13 Saint Bastus / Bastites
14 Saint Docar / Docarites
15 Saint Bastizar / Bastites
16 Saint Mall / Malites
17 Saint Stivuhl / Stivites
18 Marasalta / Marasites
19 Crodestock / Crodstakites
20 Ur / Urvites
21 Jayshun / Jawvites
22 Hopi / Hopities
23 Ziggle-Zonk / Zizites
24 Quivnack / Quivnites
25 Grishtarr / Grishtites
26 Paltir / Palites
27 Zala / Zalites
28 Crondel / Crondites
29 Flolar / Flolavites
30 Holmes / Holvites
*If you roll a result that has already come up make this the "Second Coming of X" and call the followers "New 'X'ites."
*If you roll a result that has already come up make this the "Second Coming of X" and call the followers "New 'X'ites."
Prohibition (D30)*
1 Male-female contact
2 Chairs and stools
3 Speaking of food
4 Shellfish
5 Wheels
6 Sneezing
7 Horses
8 Music
9 Alcohol
10 Make-up
11 Armor
12 Edged Weapons
13 Gold
14 Fruit
15 Red Meat
16 Pipe-weed
17 Bright colors
18 Wheat
19 The number “7”
20 Games of chance
21 Stonework
22 Dreams
23 Eating after dark
24 Time keeping
25 Birds
26 Facial hair
27 Mushrooms
28 Books
29 Fire for light
30 Holidays
*Duplicates from other sects may be re-rolled for varieties sake.
Oath and
Greeting (D30)*
1 So it shall
2 Verily, verily
3 So it goes
4 Infinity will
5 All things must pass
6 In all deeds, piety
7 Favors for favors
8 Gods willing
9 All things, great and
10 Rejoice!
11 Praise them
12 Everything is
beautiful and nothing hurts
13 Speak truth
14 Dance the dance
15 Fail me not
16 Find my time
17 I await
18 Eternal, unbound
19 Happiness
20 Compel us
21 Fight be joined
22 No struggle; no reward
23 Die on your
24 Be one with the
25 May their light guide
26 Our prayers; our
27 Be excellent to
each other
28 Love is all you need
29 Seek the path
30 Life goes on within
you and without you
*Duplicates from other sects may be re-rolled for varieties sake.
Favored God (D8)
1 Archivist
2 Toiler
3 Elements
4 Ombudsmen
5 Prism
6 Magus
7 Barrister
8 All (do not roll on disfavored
God* (D8)
1 Archivist
2 Toiler
3 Elements
4 Ombudsmen
5 Prism
6 Magus
7 Barrister
8 None
*If you roll the same result as the
first table you should roll again.
Decade Event Table
Event: Influence Recipient
1 Revival: Oldest Sect
2 Reconciliation: Lowest Influence
3 Jihad: Most Recent Sect
4 Crusade: Second Most Recent Sect
5-7 Peace: Bank one influence and give it to the next decades recipient
8 Conversion: Newest Sect gets one influence and then swaps followers with the highest other Sect.
5-7 Peace: Bank one influence and give it to the next decades recipient
8 Conversion: Newest Sect gets one influence and then swaps followers with the highest other Sect.
9 Exodus: Third Most Recent Sect
10 Inquisition: Highest Influence
11 Revelation: Create a new sect and give it “1” influence.
12 Upheaval: (Roll D3)
1. Reformation: Highest Influence Sect**
2. Apostasy: Create a new sect and give it "1" influence***
3. Holocaust: Highest Sect loses up to 5 influence, given evenly to other sects - oldest first.
11 Revelation: Create a new sect and give it “1” influence.
12 Upheaval: (Roll D3)
1. Reformation: Highest Influence Sect**
2. Apostasy: Create a new sect and give it "1" influence***
3. Holocaust: Highest Sect loses up to 5 influence, given evenly to other sects - oldest first.
* Any ties go to the older sect
** In a reformation after receiving its point of influence the highest sect must split its followers equally between the old and reformed versions of the sect (remainder goes to the older sect) The new version of the religion gets all new oaths, prohibitions, etc. and its followers are called "Reformed 'X'ites. Note there can be Second and Third reformations as sects continue to splinter.
*** The last sect to receive influence before this one is now a dead religion. It will no longer receive new influence for any reason. Its influence number is locked in at its current level and it is considered old fashioned, fatuous, or taboo to most modern practitioners. The religion will however persist in secluded pockets and closed communities.
Other Methods of Generation
If you prefer a quick and simple use for the random tables, just create random sects on the fly rather than worry about creating a history or tables for percent of influence. If you like creating the history, but feel that the 1000 year guideline is to constrictive simply set the number of years to any number you like and figure the percentages by hand. The thousand year convention was implemented both for ease of calculation and because it seems like some crazy stuff might go down on the 1000 year anniversary of a religion.
A Sample Prophetesh
Randomly generating a 1000 year history takes about two hours. The process itself was actually pretty entertaining as long periods of peace would be suddenly broken by generations of upheaval and change. The Marasite Sect was particularly interesting, as it came on in the last century of the history, and quickly usurped large amounts of followers before becoming a dead sect in a span of 30 years. It was as if it had been a fad religion that the populous quickly became suspect of. The many iterations of the followers of Holmes and Ur fighting for dominance over the centuries provided an interesting backdrop for the revelations of many minor prophet over the years. Here is a sampling of the results:
Random Religion based on influence:
1-7 Urvite (Ur)
8-19 Reformed Urvite (Ur)
20-25 Crodstakite (Crodestock)
26-29 Bastitie (St. Bastus)
30-33 New Urvite (Second Coming of Ur)
34-37 Reformed New Urvite (Second Coming of Ur)
38-40 Timtamite (Tim Tim)
41-43 Jawvite (Jayshun)
44-46 Holvite (Holmes)
47-53 New Timtamite (Second Coming of Tim Tim)
54 Hardobite (Hardob)
56-65 New Holvites (Second Coming of Holmes)
66-70 Reformed New Holvites (Second Coming of Holmes)
71-72 Second Reformation New Holvite (Second Coming of Holmes)
73-87 Matasite (Marasalta)
88-89 Stivite (St. Stivuhl)
90-00 Kruvite (Kru)
Descriptions of Sects
Sect/Follower Name: Bastites
Prophet: St. Bastus
Prohibition: Male / Female Contact
Oath: "Die on your feet"
Favored God: The Elements
Disfavored God: The Prism
Year Founded: 280
Sect/Follower Name: Crodstakites
Prophet: Crodestock
Prohibition: Holidays
Oath: "In all deeds, piety"
Favored God: The Prism
Disfavored God: None
Year Founded: 110
Sect/Follower Name: Hardobites
Prophet: Hardob
Prohibition: Wheat
Oath: "Eternal, Unbound"
Favored God: The Magus
Disfavored God: The Prism
Year Founded:530
Dead sect only found in secluded communities
Sect/Follower Name: Holvites
Prophet: Holmes
Prohibition: Fire for Light
Oath: "Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts"
Favored God: The Elements
Disfavored God: The Archivist
Year Founded: 480
Sect/Follower Name: Reformed New Holvites
Prophet: Holmes II
Prohibition: The number seven
Oath: "So it shall be."
Favored God: The Toiler
Disfavored God: The Archivist
Year Founded: 700
Sect/Follower Name: New Holvites
Prophet: Holmes II
Prohibition: Time Keeping
Oath: "I await"
Favored God: Ombudsman
Disfavored God: Barrister
Year Founded: 540
Sect/Follower Name: Second Reformation Holvites
Prophet: Holmes II
Prohibition: Stonework
Oath: "Gods Willing"
Favored God: The Magus
Disfavored God: The Prism
Year Founded: 870
Sect/Follower Name: Jawvite
Prophet: Jayshun
Prohibition: Alcohol
Oath: "Compel us"
Favored God: The Elements
Disfavored God: The Barrister
Year Founded: 410
Sect/Follower Name: Kruvites
Prophet: Kru
Prohibition: Armor
Oath: "Fight be joined!"
Favored God: All
Disfavored God: None
Year Founded: 950
Sect/Follower Name: Marasites
Prophet: Marasalta
Prohibition: Edged Weapons
Oath: "Rejoice!"
Favored God: All
Disfavored God: None
Year Founded: 910
Dead sect only found in secluded communities
Sect/Follower Name: Stivites
Prophet: St. Stivuhl
Prohibition: Gold
Oath: "Happiness Abounds!"
Favored God: The Prism
Disfavored God: The Archivist
Year Founded: 940
Sect/Follower Name: Stivites
Prophet: St. Stivuhl
Prohibition: Gold
Oath: "Happiness Abounds!"
Favored God: The Prism
Disfavored God: The Archivist
Year Founded: 940
Sect/Follower Name: Timtamites
Prophet: Tim Tim
Prohibition: Horses
Oath: "May their light guide us"
Favored God: The Toiler
Disfavored God: The Ombudsman
Year Founded: 400
Sect/Follower Name: New Timtamites
Prophet: Tim Tim II
Prohibition: Speaking of Food
Oath: "Be one with the seven"
Favored God: The Magus
Disfavored God: The Elements
Year Founded: 510
Sect/Follower Name: Urvites
Prophet: Ur
Prohibition: Shellfish
Oath: "Find my time"
Favored God: The Prism
Disfavored God: The Toiler
Year Founded: 0
Sect/Follower Name: Reformed Urvites
Prophet: Ur
Prohibition: Bright Colors
Oath: "I await"
Favored God: The Ombudsman
Disfavored God: The Toiler
Year Founded: 40
Dead sect only found in secluded communities
Sect/Follower Name: New Urvites
Prophet: Ur II
Prohibition: Games of Chance
Oath: "Infinity will Illuminate"
Favored God: The Archivist
Disfavored God: The Barrister
Year Founded: 310
Prophet: Ur II
Prohibition: Games of Chance
Oath: "Infinity will Illuminate"
Favored God: The Archivist
Disfavored God: The Barrister
Year Founded: 310
Sect/Follower Name: Second Reformation Urvites
Prophet: Ur
Prohibition: Birds
Oath: "Dance the dance"
Favored God: The Barrister
Disfavored God: The Achivist
Year Founded: 330
Prophet: Ur
Prohibition: Birds
Oath: "Dance the dance"
Favored God: The Barrister
Disfavored God: The Achivist
Year Founded: 330
plug it into abuflaba or whatever it's called and it will take only one click...