Marsholme: Part I
The City of Marsholm
and the region of The Floodtide are highly fantastic versions of the
town of Brussles in the Flanders Region of Europe in the late middle
ages. Marsholm is a walled city, up river from the flooded lands of
the coast. The city sits at a confluence of roads and rivers and is a
key trade hub for the region. The town has been inhabited for ages
under many different names and kingdoms. The current city is built
over ruins of the old empire city which was itself built on ruins of
more ancient and bizarre kingdoms. The area has no king and is ruled
by a hodgepodge of bureaucrats, guilds, gangs, monasteries, and other
organizations that provided negotiating leverage and protection from
each other. Although a central government runs the core of the city,
most neighborhoods have their own patrons with areas of control often
changing from block to block. The city can be used as an urban
sandbox with multiple entrances to dungeons, ruins, and catacombs
secreted within its walls.
Representation of the levels of dungeons and ruins beneath the walled city.
I wanted to give
characters in Marsholm some added flavor, skills, and abilities
relevant to the setting. To that end I developed the “What Makes
You So Special?” table. The “Arduin-esque” results on the table
are not designed with balance in mind, instead being loose ideas for
providing plot hooks and interesting traits to new characters. Some
are very powerful while others are quite mundane.
SPECIAL? (Roll D100)
- Oral Historian: 10% chance to know historical facts immediately; 20% chance can recall fact after 1D12 turns of historical recitation: 30% recites aimlessly for 1D12 turns but never gets to the needed information: 40% knows they don’t know the fact in question.
- Magic Wild Talent: can use one randomly determined 1st level spell by just concentrating once per day. Spell activates in melee phase.
- Secret Heirloom: has one randomly determined magic item that is cursed to lose its power if anyone but the heir (the character) sees it being used and is still alive 24 hours later.
- Nine Lives: if killed the character will reincarnate 24 hours later; 50% chance that 1d8 lives have already been used.
- Eidetic Memory: can review scenes from their life like pages in a photo album. Takes 2d6 rounds to leaf through the pages
- Dream Insight: Has nightly dreams about future events
- Plant Whisperer: can speak to normal plants; most have little to say, but very old or intelligent plants can be invaluable sources of information.
- Iron Liver: Immune to positive and negative effects of alcohol, +2 to saves vs poison, must save against beneficial potions as well.
- Bardolotry: knows 20% of all beards encountered personally; 20% by name and deed; and another 20% by name only. Knows lyrics to 40% of bard songs and shanties, can’t sing or play a note.
- Tough Skin: natural 8 AC - armor granting 8 or less is redundant.
- River Folk: Natural swimmer, fisherman and canoe rower; worthless on the open sea or large lakes.
- Low Blood Pressure: 10%chance to pass out under G-force or when standing up quickly, -1 damage per hit from non-blunt trauma.
- Land Owner: (1) cottage only (2) Acre (3) Oxgang (4) Virgate (5) Carucate (6) river front and roll again.
- Pugilist: can do damage a a light weapon bare handed.
- Executioner: effortless coup-de-grace. If a blow is dealt with a medium or larger edged weapon that hits for at least half of a creatures remaining hit points the target will be decapitated. Must dine alone; can not touch others.
- Escaped Clone: no childhood, no memory. 10% Experince bonus as you “re-learn” your past; someone is looking for you.
- Girth: +2 strength. Small spaces are an issue; Armor is one point less effective unless specially built/fit. Consumes twice the normal food/ration. Can make food knowledge skill checks with a roll under strength or intelligence check.
- Lunar Synchronization: +1 to attacks and checks during the week of the new moon, -1 on the week of the full moon.
- Scofflaw: 75% chance of getting away with minor crimes.
- Natural Osteomancy: can throw bones to predict the future or gain guidance, but answer will be vague or mysterious; can feel weather changes in their bones.
- Devoted Lover: will follow into danger, can not be gotten rid of.
- Guardian: (1) angel (2) demon (3) spirit (4) noble (5) wizard (6) saint (7) fairy (8) dragon. Will show up once in a time of great need, once when requested and a final time to solicit the characters help.
- Lucky Weapon: +1 to all attacks; -1 penalty to all rolls for 1d12 weeks if it is lost or destroyed.
- Vegarius: +2 bonus to rolls when doing something totally unexpected.
- Lightning Struck: +1 die of damage when causing shock/electrical damage, +2 to saves versus electricity; can sense static or cause a small spark by snapping their fingers. a tractor of electricity based attacks, hazards and traps.
- has a familiar
- Lives by the Sword; dies by the sword: does/takes 2x damage with/from swords. Can survive to negative 10 hp from non-sword damage.
- Supernatural Longevity: ages at one half normal rate.
- Mother Nature’s Child: gains +1 to attack -1 to AC and +1 caster level when barefoot and standing on natural ground.
- Favorite of the Gods: By focusing for one round, may receive double the effect of a cleric spell cast upon them by another.
- Honest Face: creatures of one HD or less can not lie to the character and will trust and believe any reasonable statement made by them.
- Trusted Steed: named mount will always pass morale checks and comes when called if able.
- Cliff Diver: -1 die damage from falling; can hold breath for 2d4 minutes.
- Armor Master: AC is one lower when wearing armor; can identify magic armor with 90% accuracy.
- Dune Walker: +2 on saves vs. heat or fire. Can smell water from a mile away and determine portability by scent alone.
- Attuner: gets in touch with a new weapon. -1 to attack rolls until they have both hit and missed with the weapon; thereafter +1 with that specific weapon until they change weapons and start the process anew.
- In a Row?! After felling a foe the character gets. +1 to their next attack. If that attack fells a foe they receive a +2 to the next attack. The second attack comes immediately with a medium or small weapon and one round later with a large/heavy weapon.
- Marathoner: can labor, March, run etc. for twice as long as a normal humanoid without rest, or take only half the amount of rest usually needed if putting forth a similar effort to others.
- Brownthumb: +4 to attacks and damage vs plant type creatures; hated by trees and forests; can not farm to save their life.
- Keeps Score: keeps track of every enemy they slay. Gains a immediate level at 100, a wish at 200, at 3000 “The Swordsman” comes knocking.
- No\thing. Never picked; never noticed, enemies seem to ignore you
- Androgynous: Member of the powerful and renowned guild of the Castrato and Hysterecii
- Stardusted: Psychically connected to the stars. Knowledge of and feared by “Old Ones” 50%. Leaves sparkling fingerprints and twinkling footprints.
- Coma: can voluntarily put themselves into a death like sleep for a predetermined length of time. 99% chance you wake up.
- Elder: Commands the respect that comes of advanced age. +2 Int, Cha, Wis; -2 Str, Dex, Con. 10% chance of obscure knowledge or helpful contact.
- Kings Bastard: Will never reach the throne or gain true power, but will have constant respect and awe of the comon folk and is worshiped by those of ill-repute.
- Rathe-ripe: Highly precocious. All of the abilities of an adult at the age of 1d10+4.
- Full Trance Medium: Character can go into a trance like state in which they lose all control and remember nothing, Spirits talk through them.
- Touched by Death: Undead of less HD than the character's level will not attack them. Speaks the languages of the dead. -4 Cha... the smell.
- Spy: Funded by an outsider to report on your associates. Gain 1st level thief skills for free. If already a thief, perform skills at one level higher. Awarded 1 gp per 10xp gained while adventuring as long as you keep your secret, but at what cost?
- Woods(wo)man: Never gets lost in the woods. +1 Attack and Damage with an axe. Climb Trees as a thief of same level climbs walls. Speaks (1) Bear (2) Wolf (3) Fox (4) Owl.
- Sailor: Knows their way around a boat. Rope use/knots. +1 Attack and Damage with rapier. Can navigate by the stars. Speaks (1) Dolphin (2) merfolk (3) Octopus (4) Shark.
- Locksmith: Can make 10gp over expenses per month if they have a shop and tools. (1d6x10 per month with good advertising. Opens locks as a thief of same level and if a thief as one level higher. Starts with double normal gold.
- Failed Apprentice: Can use wands and scrolls as a level 3 theif. Has 1d6 level 1 scrolls and 1d3 level 2 scrolls. Some one wants these back. Knows where a cache of magical items is secreted. The same person wants these left alone. Can never become a magic-user after “the incident.”
- Duelist: +2 to Attack +2 or -2 to Damage while dueling. Can not turn down a dual or looses their touch permanently. +2 charisma.
- Veteran: Starts with 1000 exp, a pole-arm, armor, and blade of choice. +1 to attack rolls if given a full turn to observe the battlefield before an engagement.
- Street Urchin: Knows Dark Secrets (%10), Sees through false rumors (%95). Hide in shadows and pick pockets as a thief of same level and as a level higher if already a thief.
- Healing Hands: Can heal another as cure light wounds once per day by focusing for 3 rounds. Healing more than once per day is possible but leeches the restored hit points from the healer. 10% chance to cure poison or natural disease.
- Jeweler: Appraise value of gems (95%) Appraise/identify jewelry (75%). Starts with 3 random gems.
- Noble: If you get into too much trouble Mom and Dad will bail you out. Start with fine clothes, armor and a masterwork weapon. Double starting money. The peasantry hate you.
- Lycanthrope: (1) Werebear (2) Wereboar (3) Wererat (4) Wereshark (5) Weretiger (6) Werewolf.
- Dracologist: know dragons by name and deed (25%) Dragon Knowledge (90%) know dragon's true name (1%). +4 bonus to saves vs breath weapon.
- Wandering Alignment. Check Daily: (1) Lawful Good (2) Lawful Evil (3) neutral (4) chaotic good (5) chaotic evil (6) players choice. Immune to alignment effects for good or ill.
- Scribe. Can read and write. Can scribe scrolls and research spells at 25% discount to time and cost OR read scrolls as a thief of current level +3.
- Rugged: +2 to saves vs poison, +1 HD
- Polymath: Receives full Prime Requisite Bonus when multi-classing regardless of ability scores. Speaks one additional language; player's choice.
- Slayer: +2 Attack and +4 Damage (70%) knowledge of sworn enemy: (1) Dragon (2) Giant (3) Ogre (4) Troll (5) Golem (6) Vampire
- Monk or Abbess: Virtuous; Brewing and Vinting knowledge (70%). Free healing at monastery of Abbey. Turn Undead as level +1 if a cleric. May only keep 10% of earned wealth.
- Holds a Trade License. May open a business, guild, or engage in inter-city trade. The license itself is highly valuable but difficult to legally transfer.(map of Brussels circa 1574)
- Badge: (1) City Watch (2) Gateguard (3) Warden (4) Constable (5) Tax-Collector (6) Bailiff; Will be compensated if time is spent working. Conveys all manner of advantage if not abused.
- Bone-and-Rag-Man (Woman): can always determine the most valuable item from a treasure hoard, flotsam, lair refuse, etc. – Makes great deals (10% off at local shops); knows town alleyways (80%)
- Gongfermour- It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta' do it; Know sewers (90%); +1 attack and damage versus Rats, Bats, and Vermin.
- Investigator: Underworld contacts (20%); Law Enforcement Contacts (20%); Hide in Shadows, move silently, as a thief of same level or +1 level if already a thief.
- Flood Refuge: Has made enough swim checks to last a lifetime – doesn't have to make any more. Starts with half normal coin; knows where a treasure is submerged.
- Owns a boat: River Knowledge (%60), Boating (%60), (1) Rowboat (2) Raft (3) Barge (4) long boat.
- Stonemason's Guild: Helped build the city wall, part of a powerful fraternal order; signet ring.
- Shepard: Allowed a lease of land for their flock costing 20gp/month upkeep if they aren't tending it. 3D6 sheep. Knows local marshland (%60)
- Government Job: Start with 3x normal coin; load of clout in the right circles, hated and ridiculed in the wrong circles (1) Hayward (2) Herald (3) Exchequer (4) Summoner (5) Diplomat (6) Liner (7) Judge (8) Reeve
- Grave Robber: -2 Charisma; +1 Attack and Damage vs undead. Tomb knowledge (%70), ring of protection +1 (stolen)
- Amnesia: was an adventurer until a nasty blow to the head robbed them of a few years of their memory. Upon reaching level (or when the DM feels it is thematically appropriate) they may regain their lost memory and lost levels as a (1) fighter (2) thief (3) magic-user (4) cleric. They will now effectively be mult-iclassed with the same amount of experience in each profession. Or with 2000 bonus experience if they were already of that profession.
- Tavern Musician: +1 Dex; +1 Cha; Roll Favored Instrument From Marsholm Random Tavern Generator. Rumors the character obtains in taverns area always true.
- Gaolor: Works in the city dungeon; Dungeon Knowledge depends on dungeon level: I 90%, II 70%, III 23%, IV 10%, V 5%, VI 1%, VII+ ?. Free access to the depths.
- Archaeologist: student of the old city of the ancients that Marsholm was built upon; Ruin Knowledge (60%); Excavation (%70); Has a map to a hidden entrance to the old city, +1d3 language (Dreenoi, Old Khaos, Purple Tongue).
- Parent: 1d8 children, of ages 1d20-1 (determine each randomly); -1 to all stats.
- Starman: You are stranded on this backward little world until you find a ride home. Astrogatison (70%); Phazer Pistol (4D6 Damage, take the two highest; range: infinite; 3d6 charges left, charge indicator currently broken.)
- Psionic: telepathy in line of sight; telekinesis as levitate and drains one con per round.
- Persistent Resistant: no first level spell effects you; even if you want it to.
- Cult of Blackwolf: The flesh of your arm has been sacrificed leaving it skeletal but magically functional. Your ability as a spell caster is magnified. You always roll twice and take the preferred number on random results. -4 Cha if not covered.
- Agile: -1 AC, +2 Save vs Breath, +5% to move silently. Hide in shadows and climb sheer surfaces, DEX=18 for purposes of initiative.
- Fully Ambidextrous: May use two weapons in combat. Both attacks are rolled in the last phase for the weight of the weapon used, if either weapon is medium, choose which attack to take after rolling but only one will hit. -1 AC with shield.
- Vivid Orator: can cast spells without using hands; +2 Cha.
- Monkey Paws: Can use heavy weapons in one hand and swing from vines presumably. +50% to climb sheer surface.
- Mule Blood: unaffected by encumbrance until they are too encumbered to move. Armor, etc, does not effect class abilities.
- Old Soul: You have multiple past lives and remember much them. Ancient knowledge (40%) One random thief skill. One random cleric spell, and magic-user spell (once per day, either not both) +1 Int; +1 Wis; can not be raised form the dead. Nature has a plan.
- The score; as a youngster you tried your hand as a thief. You got away clean, but only by swallowing 2d6 gems. Years later you have yet to pass them.
- Devoted Husband/wife; Acts as a group mom/pop; makes torches, cooks up mean rations, and is super supportive of your nerdy little adventuring hobby from the safety of home.
- Huge Clan: Your forefathers were very... busy. 1 in 20 chance that some one of the same race you meet is a relative. 1 in 100 chance that someone of a half-blood race is.
- Make your own fate: roll 3 times on this chart and choose your favorite. Ignore further rolls of 98+
- Dynamic Duo. Roll twice. Take one result for yourself and give the other to your loyal retainer / sidekick. Ignore further rolls of 98+
- (100) Powerhouse! Roll twice and take both, Ignore further rolls of 98+
Cool i am running a blueholme campaign too. It also has a walled ancient city that has changed names multiple times with a megadungeon beneath it.